Want To Build A Beauty Blog? [Follow These 6 Steps]

Ever thought of turning your passion into profit? Other people are doing it and you can too. Why not leverage the power of the internet to blog about fashion, skincare, and makeup? Once you get your blog up and running, it’s a matter of creating compelling content on a regular basis to capture the attention of those who also love beauty. Which is basically all women. Want to build a beauty blog? Follow these 6 steps!

Want To Build A Beauty Blog - Woman Getting Makeup OnHow To Build A Beauty Blog

Here are 6 steps you can take to get your beauty blog up and running. You can then start sharing valuable information with your readers, while monetizing your site at the same time. It’s the perfect combination.

Your readers get to learn from your weekly blog posts, while you earn commissions through the affiliate links you place within your content. Sure, it takes time to build up traffic to your site and start earning money, but hey, time’s going to pass anyway so why not get busy building an online business that will serve you for years to come?!

1. Buy An Internet Domain Name

The first order of business is to come up with an awesome domain name for your blog. This will be the URL to your website. You’ll have to make sure it’s available, and that you like how it sounds when it rolls off your tongue. Opt for a .com since it’s the default extension, rather than .net or .org.

The more straightforward your domain name, the easier it will be to say and remember. Exclude any funky spelling and cumbersome characters like hyphens and underscores. Choose a name that’s catchy and easy to remember, but not too complicated. Consider using “yourname.com” if it’s applicable to your brand.

[Read More: Choosing A Domain Name For Your Website]

There are a number of websites online where you can purchase a domain name. I’m a member of Wealthy Affiliate so I buy my domains there, but you can use domain and hosting services like GoDaddy, Bluehost, HostGator, A2 Hosting or Web.com.

Just for fun, try out Wealthy Affiliate’s domain search feature below. You’ll see the siterubix.com extension, which is free to use for members of Wealthy Affiliate. Examples of easy-to-remember domains would be: mybeautyblog.com, learnaboutbeauty.com, everythingbeauty.com, or skincareandmakeup.com.

2. Build A WordPress Website

I build my blogs on WordPress because it’s fairly intuitive to use, and has tons of customization features, including thousands of free and premium themes, and such a wide array of plugins, your head will spin.

I like themes from StudioPress and Themeisle, but there are many options available so take your time deciding on one. You can demo potential themes before you install them.

Here’s why I like WordPress:

  • It’s free to use unless you buy a premium theme, which range in price. (a domain name will cost you about $15.00 a year)
  • Once you get a feel for the WordPress interface, it’s easy to use.
  • WordPress supports all kinds of sites, whether it’s eCommerce, a photography site, or a travel blog.
  • It’s SEO friendly.
  • WordPress has extensive customization options like themes, widgets, and plugins.
  • You’re able to add all types of media, such as images, videos, and graphics.

[Read More: How To Build A Blog On WordPress] 

Build A Beauty Blog - Pro Plus Theme Package Banner

Here’s what the theme dashboard looks like in WordPress. Click on “Add Themes” to upload themes you have previously downloaded or purchased. Or search for specific themes using the “Search themes” feature:

Wordpress themes dashboard

Website Hosting Service Providers

You can get a WordPress site up and running in no time. That way you can start creating content, and fine tune the various features over time. Of course, you’ll need a hosting company to get your site online.

Like I said above, I use Wealthy Affiliate to host all my sites. Their hosting is lightning fast, and state-of-the-art, but there are many other hosting services you can choose from as well.  Check out the domain and hosting providers I listed above.

3. Begin Writing

Content creation is the backbone of blogging and affiliate marketing. Your blog posts are what will drive people to your site, and where you’ll place your affiliate links. The number one objective of a blog is to provide free information and education to a target audience.

Posting informative articles on your blog is one of the best ways for people to get to know, like, and trust you. If you write valuable content that helps your readers solve a problem, they’ll return to your site again and again. In this way, you position yourself as an authority in your field. We all buy from those we know because familiarity breeds trust.

Many people panic when they hear that blogging entails writing weekly blog posts. Keep in mind, your posts are not college research papers that are required to have footnotes and a bibliography. Rather, they should be written in an informal and conversational tone. Kind of like how you would write an email.

Each article you write needs to have a target keyword. This will help the search engines find your posts and rank them. Keyword research is an integral part of content creation. I use Jaaxy, an online keyword research tool, but there are a variety of keyword tools out there that are easy to access.

Try Jaaxy now banner

Like any other skill, writing becomes easier with time. I promise, you will get a comfort level with it in time. Aim for posts of around 1,000 words. While that may sound like a lot, once you get writing, the word count adds up fast.

[Read More: Jaaxy Keyword Research Tool Review] for more information on what constitutes a good keyword.

4. Optimize Your Website For SEO

The purpose of SEO is to enhance the visibility of your website, and rank it at the top of the search engines so people can easily find it. This is one of the most effective ways to increase traffic and visitors to your site.

As referenced above, keyword research is the best way to optimize your content. Essentially, a good keyword is one that many internet users are typing into the Google search bar. The goal is to find keywords that are competitive, but not too competitive.

These types of keywords are called long-tailed keywords. Their purpose is to help your content rank, meaning to get found in Google, Bing, and Yahoo. Ideally, you’ll want your posts to be on the first page of the search engines.

When people click on the URL for your post, they’ll be directed to your website where they can enjoy all of your content and recommendations. Keyword research is just one SEO tactic, but a very vital one that you’ll need to do for every single piece of content you write.

Here’s a snapshot of a great keyword I found on Jaaxy. A lot of people (288) are searching for “What is the best makeup for sensitive skin,” yet it’s not too competitive. I can determine this because the QSR (9) is under 50.

jaaxy keyword research dashboard

5. Become An Affiliate Marketer

An affiliate (you) is someone that promotes another merchant’s product. It works great for both parties because the merchant makes a sale via the affiliate, and the affiliate earns a commission in return. This partnership works well for all involved. Affiliate marketing is a great way to monetize your site, and can be used in conjunction with other methods, such as placing banner ads or selling your own products and services.

Relevant affiliate links should be strategically placed within your content.  Here’s how it works. Let’s say one of your website visitors is reading a post you wrote about a new skin care product you’ve recently used. If they click on one of your links within that post, they’ll be taken to a website or checkout page where they can purchase the product you’re recommending.

Here’s an example of what an affiliate link looks like. “I’ve been using this amazing skin care serum with vitamin C, squalane, and hyaluronic acid. It’s really helped my skin.” When someone clicks on the highlighted link “hyaluronic acid,” they’ll be able to purchase the product or be taken to an article to read more about it.

Many blogger become affiliates for Amazon, which is pretty awesome because you can find anything you’d ever want on Amazon. Other affiliate networks include ShareASale, CJAffiliates, FlexOffers, Rakuten, and ClickBank. Affiliate networks are convenient to use because you have access to hundreds of merchants in one location.

[Read More: ShareASale Affiliate Program Review & Tutorial]

6. Get Good At Social Media Marketing

In order to make the most of your content, you need to share it, and what better way than on social media. Since millions of people are online every day, it would be a shame not to take advantageous of what each social media network has to offer. I share all my posts to Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

Marketing on social media is free. It’s an exceptional way to increase brand awareness and authority, and eventually more conversion opportunities and sales. Plus, it’s critical for SEO, and boosting traffic to your website.

Here’s a rundown of the perks of social media marketing. It’s a great way to:

1. Leverage free marketing

2. Position yourself as an expert in your niche

3. Expose your content to a massive audience

4. Drive traffic to your website

5. Build relationships with your readers

6. Boost search engine optimization

7. Interact and engage with your followers

Wealthy Affiliate’s Training

It is possible to build a blog on your own. I know because I’ve done it for years. It wasn’t until I joined Wealthy Affiliate, however, that the entire process became much clearer, and that much easier to implement. Plus, the SEO skills I learned through the certification course have become invaluable, and a strategy I wasn’t previously taking advantage.

Wealthy Affiliate taught me the ins and outs of website design, keyword research, and social media marketing. It really is the best solution out there if you want to learn affiliate marketing, run your own business, and achieve financial freedom.

There’s no risk to get started: READ MY REVIEW or create a FREE account to see if the certification training is for you. You can even create two free websites hosted on WA’s platform. Check out this lesson:“How to make money with affiliate marketing.”

Build A Beauty Blog - WA Banner

Key Points

Make your dream of building a beauty blog a reality by following these 6 steps. Begin by choosing a catchy name for your website, then start creating your blog on WordPress, write keyword-rich content, and don’t forget to share it on all your social media networks.

Overtime you’ll build a loyal following who will look to you for advice and recommendations.  With hard work and patience, you can make a sustainable living online that will allow you to work from anywhere in the world, on you own time frame. What’s better than that?!

Are you an internet marketer? How and when did you get started? Let me know in the comments:)


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Disclaimer: this post contains affiliate links


4 thoughts on “Want To Build A Beauty Blog? [Follow These 6 Steps]”

  1. Hi Holly,

    I have just read your article on how to build a beauty blog. I appreciate your good work, you have shared your affiliate marketing experience and encouraged lot of people in their internet marketing quest. I want to earn a lot of money online, and you have given me many great ideas of how to earn via affiliate marketing on my blog. 

    Thank you so much for your post.

  2. Hi there Holly. 

    Thank you so much for sharing this article. I enjoyed reading it and you outlined the steps in making a beauty blog very simple to understand. Having an online business is definitely the way to go. Thank you so much for sharing your expertise on this topic with us. 

    • Thanks for commenting Roxy. I so agree with you that having an online business is the way to building a bright and lucrative future!


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