How To Make Money With Google AdSense

Have you ever wondered how to make money with Google AdSense. GA is a popular pay-per-click advertising program. There are several ways you can make money using Google AdSense (GA) and they aren’t complicated. In fact, they’re fairly simple to implement. Like everything in life, how much money you make will largely depend on how much effort you put into it.

How To Make Money With Google AdSense - Graphic


You won’t get rich overnight using this technique, but with perseverance it’s possible to pocket some extra cash. There are several platforms you can use to make money using Google AdSense including: niche sites, forums, blogs, and YouTube. Each one will be discussed below.

4 Steps To Make Money With Google AdSense

1. Niche Sites: Narrow Down Your Target Market

I love the word “niche.” It’s a hot topic in the online world. A niche is a specific market, or well-defined segment of the population, in which your marketing efforts will be targeted. A highly specialized niche, typically, leads to more AdSense clicks.

If you are in the antique business, exactly what kind of antiques do you deal with? Are you in the antique furniture business? Antique dolls? Antique cars? Niche websites are sites that focus on very specific markets or audiences. Instead of a broad category, narrow your niche to be more precise.

For instance, if your niche website caters to those you love guitars, go a step further, and focus on Fender Stratocaster guitars. People who are into Fender Stratocaster guitars will, then, be your target audience. Google AdSense ads that appear on this niche website will appeal to your specific target audience. This select focus will lead to a higher click rate, which translates to higher earnings.

If you really want to maximize your earnings, design several niche websites, each devoted to a specific category or topic. For example – Instead of having a website about cars, design several small websites focused on car repairs, car restoration, antique cars, etc. By narrowing your focus, you’ll attract targeted visitors who are more likely to click on your GA ads.

2. Build and Maintain A Blog

A great way to establish an online presence and brand, is to create and maintain a blog that caters to the niche you’ve chosen. Hundreds of blogs have cropped up in the past few years. Platforms like WordPress and Blogger make it easy to set up a blog. Even with no technical skills, anyone can maintain a blog and generate revenue.

There are bloggers who are reportedly making great incomes just by using Google AdSense. Since Blogger is owned by Google, those using this platform, can easily integrate GA into their posts and pages.You can also display GA on WordPress-powered blogs by using a plugin, specifically, for GA.

This plugin makes inserting ad codes into your posts simple – click a button, and you’re done! To make the most out of your ads, try placing an ad after each of your posts. Watch to see how the ad performs in this placement. If you are posting a lengthy article, consider placing an ad in the middle of your article.

Ads can also be placed in a blog-post header, a blog-post footer, or a sidebar. If you are technically inclined, try inserting GA codes into your blog template. Your ads will, then, display on all your pages. GA has a variety of themes and templates to choose from. Various sizing options, are also available, making monetizing your site easy.

 Create Quality Content

First and foremost, you’ll want to create free helpful content for your blog visitors. Informative information, along with engagement and interaction, will drive traffic to your website, which will, hopefully, translate into more clicks. Share your posts on social media sites, which is great advertising for your website. Content and traffic are both key if AdSense is to be successful!

Google has a free AdWords Keyword Planner tool that is helpful in determining if a topic you are considering for a niche website is popular. You’ll want the keyword you chose to generate a lot of monthly searches. Then make sure you use that keyword in various places on your site.

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Forums: Placing Google AdSense 3. Online Forums

Do you participate in a highly-active forum or online-discussion board? If your forum receives a lot of traffic, and has many members who regularly participate in online discussions, you can monetize your forum pages by utilizing Google AdSense. While forum users are known to be “ad blind,” you can insert Google AdSense codes strategically. For instance, make your ads pop by using bright colors.

On niche sites, it’s recommended that your ads blend in with the site. In online forums, however, you may get more clicks by making the ads stand out. Placement is also key. Many forum owners have discovered that ads placed at the bottom of the last post on every page generate a lot of clicks.

4. YouTube

Google AdSense is not just for text-based content. Video is a hugely popular medium, and one that is increasingly growing in popularity. This is why YouTube is such a massive platform. Why not create your own YouTube channel? Once you’ve established your subscriber-base, you can begin monetizing your channel with Google AdSense.

Simply Link your channel to your GA account, and choose which videos you want to monetize. You can also decide what types of ads your viewers will see. All these configurations can be customized within your settings.

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Key Points

There you have it — four ways you can make money using Google AdSense: Niche websites, YouTube, online forums, and blogs. If you’re new to the online world, get started by building a simple blog and go from there. Getting started on  WordPress isn’t that complicated. Jump in and test the waters.

As you become more comfortable, and acquire more technical skills, you can advance to creating niche sites, or even begin your own online forum to start monetizing with Google AdSense.

Do you use AdSense? Let me know in the comments:)


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This post contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a small commission, with no cost to you, if you make a purchase through one of my links.

7 thoughts on “How To Make Money With Google AdSense”

  1. Great article! I’ve been blogging for a couple years and only recently decided to venture into the world of YouTube. I thought it would be a great compliment to my websites to have video content that could reach a different audience and link back to them. 

    I’m still experimenting with different ways of doing this, but AdSense is an indispensable component in the entire formula. You’ve actually made it a lot easier to understand, especially for those who may be newbies. Thanks for sharing!

    • Hi Mark,

      Thank you. Good for you for taking the leap into YouTube. It’s the largest search engine next to Google so you can’t go wrong getting involved with a platform boasting a million users. 

      AdSense is another source of revenue so I think all blog owners should be familiar with how it works. Thanks so much for your comment!

  2. This is very timely for me. As a newbie in the affiliate marketing space, I have been a bit frustrated with Google Adsense. I liked your section on Niche sites, creating content, placing ads that stand out, blogs, YouTube and affiliate marketing. You did a good job of explaining the ins and outs of Google Adsense.

    You related it well to Wealthy Affiliate and made it clear that a large portion of our efforts will involve reviews of websites, services, and courses, creating quality content. When I first encountered  WA online, I read a lot about it and researched many others and started out for free but realized that if my plan was to make money I had to be willing to put money in, so I became a premium member. 

    You explained the benefits of Wealthy Affiliate quite succinctly. This is my first real venture into the online world and after much research, I settled on Wealthy Affiliate. I felt they could deliver on the promises that most affiliate marketing sites make. You’ve helped hone my thoughts.

    Thanks for the great information.

    God bless you.

    • Hi Ronald,

      I think it’s fairly common to get frustrated with Google AdSense, especially if you’re a new marketer.  I’m glad my article helped you understand it better. 

      I’m happy to hear you’re a member of Wealthy Affiliate. It’s the best affiliate marketing platform out there, hands down! They don’t make false promises and there are no upsells. You don’t even have to give out your credit card information to get started. 

      What you see is what you get and the community is such a critical factor as well for staying motivated and getting your questions answered. So awesome!

  3. Holly,

    I have just been approved by AdSense, but I cannot figure out where to put the code in my WordPress blog. I will try to find a plugin for it, as you suggest.
    I already have the SEO All In One. I’ll check there first. If there’s no place for it there, can you suggest another plugin I can use?

    I have affiliate links on my page, and I really do not want to clutter it up with a lot of ads. In the dashboard, I see I have the option to turn this off. My posts are at least a thousand words each. I break everything up with images. Do you think I should try placing ads in the middle and the end of my posts?

    Thank you for any help you can give me and thanks for this post,

    Gwendolyn J

  4. Holly,

    I have just been approved by AdSense, but I cannot figure out where to put the code in my WordPress blog. I will try to find a plugin for it, as you suggest.
    I already have the SEO All In One. I’ll check there first. If there’s no place for it there, can you suggest another plugin I can use?

    I have affiliate links on my page, and I really do not want to clutter it up with a lot of ads. In the dashboard, I see I have the option to turn this off. My posts are at least a thousand words each. I break everything up with images. Do you think I should try placing ads in the middle and the end of my posts?

    Thank you for any help you can give me and thanks for this post,

    Gwendolyn J


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