How To Create A Catchy Slogan People Will Remember

Just for fun think of a famous brand. Take a few seconds to think of one. Did their company tagline pop into your mind? What about if I said: “The Happiest Place On Earth?” I bet you’d know the company I’m referring to. Brands and their taglines, or slogans, go together like the Hatfields and McCoys. Let’s learn how to create a catchy slogan people will remember.

How To Create A Catchy Slogan - The Word Slogan On Chalkboard

A slogan many times represents a company’s philosophy. Other times it’s a phrase, or maybe just two or three words, that describe the value of a product or service. Think of a slogan as a recognizable handle associated with a particular brand. They’re often clever, witty, and easy to remember.

The goal is for your slogan to stick in people’s heads. Ideas that are relevant to your business can be communicated using a tagline.They work in conjunction with a logo, which is a visual representation of a company, whereas, a tagline is more of an audible representation. While slogans aren’t mandatory, they can do wonders for your business.

Great Slogans

Think of a slogan as a mini-mission statement that identifies a product or company. Great taglines capture a company’s essence, although it may not define its purpose. When thinking of the perfect tagline, reflect on what makes your service or product stand out. How is it different from your competitor’s products?

A slogan can function kind of like a sales person for your company- in that it explains the benefits of what you’re offering.There are different types of taglines. Humorous taglines are fun, and present ideas with an intention to entertain. More sobering taglines invoke an emotional response with a strong call-to-action, whereas inspirational taglines offer solutions to common problems.

Using dynamic, distinct, and descriptive words leads to a more dramatic phrase. Taglines – also called positioning statements – are used in marketing and advertising materials so be creative. Your tagline will be an intrinsic part of your brand identity going forward. Simple and succinct works best – avoid confusing and complicated words.

A punchy rhythm and words that rhyme are other factors that will make a slogan memorable.  Also, don’t make false promises – in your tagline – that you can’t fulfill.

Free Slogan Generators

You can use a free slogan generator like this one to spark your imagination. Type in a keyword and 1,000 potential slogans will appear. If you can’t find one you like, swap out a word or two to come up with a tagline you love.

free slogan maker bannerHow To Create A Catchy Slogan

Great taglines don’t need to be long. In fact, the shorter a tagline is, the easier it is to remember. Keep it short. One of the most successful companies ever – Apple – had a tagline of just two words – “Think Different.” A lot of punch is packed into those two short words, and identifies Apple’s brand and mission. 7up’s tagline – “The Uncola,” is also short and sweet. Then there’s KFC’s “Finger Linkin’ Good” tagline that says it all in just three short words.

Some slogans sport a few more words like Hallmark’s “When You Care Enough To Send The Very Best.” I bet you could guess who the company is just by hearing their tagline. “Ace Is The Place With The Helpful Hardware Man” is another memorable tagline with several words.

Although there are “rules” when creating a tagline – like keeping it short – feel free to break this rule if a longer tagline suits your brand identity, and resonates with your audience. A tagline should be memorable. A unique and playful tagline, with a play on words, is easier to remember than a bland phrase that is vague and meaningless. Someone may forget your company name, but if they remember your tagline, you’ve chosen well.

The goal of any tagline is to create a lasting impression and connection with consumers. Make sure your tagline is applicable across cultures, and clarifies what your company excels at. You want to stand out from your competitors. Does your tagline reflect how amazing your products and services are?

If you have brain freeze, and are finding it difficult to think of ideas, try viewing your tagline, not just as a slogan, but as a brand message. What would you want this message to convey to potential customers?

How To Create A Catchy Slogan - Wealthy Affiliate Banner - WP Tasty Banner

Personal Brand Tagline Examples

Here are some examples of taglines I’m sure you’re familiar with:

  • “The Quicker Picker Upper” – Bounty Paper Towels
  • “Betcha Can’t Eat Just One” – Lay’s Potato Chips
  • “Maybe She’s Born With It. Maybe It’s Maybelline” – Maybelline
  • “A Diamond Is Forever” – De Beers
  • “Don’t Leave Home Without It” – American Express
  • “Have It Your Way” – Burger King
  • “Between Love and Madness Lies Obsession” – Calvin Klein
  • “Be The First To Know” – CNN
  • “It’s The Real Thing” – Coca Cola

Getting Started Online

If you don’t have a business to create a tagline for, have you ever considered building an online business in the comfort of your own home? Wealthy Affiliate is where I learned my internet marketing skills. They offer a brilliant certification program to marketers of all skill levels. In fact their slogan is “A Platform Designed For Affiliate Marketers Of All Levels.”

In their step-by-step training, you’ll learn how to create and monetize your own website with the help of a supportive community who will cheer you on every step of the way. READ MY REVIEW or click on the banner below to create your free account and get started investing in your future today.

How To Create A Catchy Slogan - Wealthy Affiliate Banner

Key Points

My favorite tagline of all time is Nike’s “Just Do It.” Nike’s revenue increased dramatically in the years following the launch of their new slogan. Are profit margins and taglines linked? Studies show there’s a correlation.

There’s no doubt that a great slogan brings brand recognition, and reinforces a company’s message. Never underestimate the importance of an effective tagline. Think of it as a useful tool for brand recognition that is completely unique to your company.

Although, creating a tagline requires time, imagination, and a little creative tweaking, it is well worth the effort. It will be used over and over again for years to come so make it amazing! Does your business have a tagline? How did you come up with it? Let me know in the comments:)


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12 thoughts on “How To Create A Catchy Slogan People Will Remember”

  1. Hello! I have started my online journey with a business I really enjoy. Have been working hard on my site. Had a lot of fun creating my own logo! But I still don’t have a slogan. Your post has inspired me to be creative and jot down some possible ones. I’ll also go over to that free slogan maker you suggested and see if I can get some more ideas. Thank you very much for giving me that little push! 🙂

    • Hi Henry,

      Creating a catchy slogan begins with brainstorming potential ideas. It can be fun just like creating your logo was. Do try the free slogan maker. It will spur your imagination. 

      Thank you!

  2. Thanks so much for your insightful article. I had never considered incorporating a slogan, or tagline, into my internet business. My website is information and education based as opposed to providing services so the concept of a slogan never occurred to me.

    After reading through your post however, I see how creating a catchy tagline might be just what I need to stand out from other similar sites. I played around with the free slogan generator you included and I have to say, where I was drawing a complete blank before, I now have a few great ideas brewing. 

    I will bookmark your page and return for advice and direction in the future. Thanks again for this great tip!

    • Thank you Shannon. I think a catchy slogan would make your business memorable, and would definitely make you stand out from others in your niche. The free slogan generator will certainly help you explore possibilities. Have fun with it and thanks for taking the time to comment. 

  3. Second guessing is something I think we all do, at one point or another. I read your post because I needed to know for sure whether I was going in the right direction. It’s given me a positive boost as I think I have two out  ofthree aspects that I think are necessary. 

    I have the ‘Brand’ name and a tagline and both of those hit the criteria laid out in the article. The third element I guess is the longer mission statement, which I hadn’t thought about. It was one of ‘those’ moments. I had never thought about how these things are meant to work and how important they are. 

    Thanks to your post I can now make some firm choices of how I am going to use the taglines I have, I actually have two so I need to pick one. Although is it wrong to have more than one if they work ? Either way it’s a great dilemma to have.

    • Having two taglines is a great dilemma to have and better than no prospects in mind. I’ve never heard of a company having two slogans. Maybe it depends on the nature of the business itself if two would work. 

      A mission statement is a longer version of a tagline, yet they complement each other. Sounds like you’re doing great with your online business. Keep up the good work and thanks for reading. 

  4. Before I joined Wealthy affiliate, it was their slogan that convinced me to join when they claimed that their platform is designed for affiliate marketers of all levels. What an inspiring slogan.

    Ever since I started building my website, my only great concern was to find eye a catchy logo that was relevant to what my website is offering. I never thought that creating my own slogan and tagline can also be useful.

      Now is the right time to put that into consideration. I know how many brands are being recognized because of their slogans. For example, Zeeworld – extra-ordinary everyday, Red Cross – red o,cross o., Road safety- safety, safety first etc.

    Most of the time it is their slogans I do remember before their names. That’s the importance of having a memorable tagline. I’ll play around with the free slogan generator. Thank you. This review is very useful.

    • Hi Stella,

      I love Wealthy Affiliate’s slogan too. Logos and slogans are important for branding your business and making it easily recognizable. This importance is underscored by how many brands are immediately recognizable just by their logos and taglines.

      Have fun playing around with the slogan generator. I know you’ll come up with something amazing! I appreciate your comment. 


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