Animaker Review And Tutorial [Tap Into The Power Of Video Marketing]

Do you love animation? Do you like software? If you answered “Yes” to one or both of these questions, you’ve got to check out Animaker. It’s fun and easy to create animated videos for your business using pre-built templates, along with six different video styles. Not familiar with creating these types of videos? Let’s get into my Animaker review and tutorial.

Animaker Review - Video Clapper Board

Content Marketing

We all know how critical content creation and content marketing is for internet-based businesses. Providing useful and relevant content is the best way to build trust with your audience, drive traffic to your website, and ultimately, increase conversions and sales.

Writing regular blog posts and informative articles will always be an essential way to market your products and services, but what if you were to take this up a notch by creating videos to augment your writing?

[Read More: Do You Have A Content Marketing Strategy? [6 Reasons You Need One]

Video Marketing

No one will argue the fact that video has the ability to scale your business in a very good way. Just look at the popularity of YouTube, the second largest search engine next to Google. Making videos is a powerful aspect of content marketing, and is outstanding for interaction, search engine optimization, and for driving traffic to your blog.

Are you feeling left behind because you’re not making videos yet? I can almost hear you saying: “I want to do video, but I’m self-conscious, and don’t want to show my face.” Not to worry – I’ve got you covered. Read below for an awesome solution to your problem.

[Read More: Is Video Marketing The New Blogging?]

affiliate links ✔️

video types and products for AnimkaerAnimaker is a really awesome software for creating a variety of videos. You can make cartoon or explainer videos without showing your face. Or make advertisment videos for Facebook, or Instagram. It’s also great for creating intro and outro videos for your YouTube channel. They’ve thought of everything.

Or get in the holiday spirit by creating a Christmas video greeting or birthday video or try your hand at creating a video presentation or video resume. I bet you haven’t thought of that one before?!

[Read More: 3 Pieces Of Equipment You’ll Need To Start A YouTube Channel]

The text animation and whiteboard videos are a ton of fun. As you can see, there are many ways to create an engaging video. See the video types and products that are available below:


You can give Animaker a try by using the free version. Your videos will be limited to two minutes in length, but you can export up to five videos per month. You’ll also have access to the animated maps and charts, infographic icons, characters and props, pre-built text, and music tracks. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to brand your videos or use the custom fonts. and premium templates.

Take a look at the different price points below:

Animaker Review - Pricing Chart

How To Get Started

Go to and register. You can do this quickly through Facebook or Google. Now click the orange “Create a video” button.

Choose your plan on the left. I’m using the free plan. Next you’ll see the “Categories” section. Select what type of video you want to create. I want to make an outro video for YouTube so I going to select that option.

You’ll also be able to choose specific topics you want your video centered around, like health, education, food, travel, or sports. Take a look at the options under “Plans,” and “Categories”:

Animaker graphic

After I select “Free,” I click on “outro” to create a free outro video for my YouTube channel. FYI, Flash will need to be enabled on your computer for Animaker to work. You’ll be alerted if you don’t already have it.

I’m going to choose the outro template that says “Thanks For Watching.” Use the preview function to view each video template before customizing. If you’re satisfied with how it looks, press “Use.”

Animaker Outro Templates

Now you’ll be taken to a screen where you can watch three different tutorials, and learn how to make 2d, infographic, and whiteboard videos. If you have time, take a few minutes to watch these informative tutorials. Customizing will be much easier if you understand the process.

Three Animaker tutorials

Exit the tutorial screen to begin customizing your movie template. You can see what the editor looks like. Familiarize yourself with the various options. There are a lot of them!

On the far right you’ll see the tool bar where you’ll choose your images, text, backgrounds, special effects, and transitions. This is also where you’ll upload your own images, music, and voice-overs.

On the left-hand side of the editor is where you’ll add or duplicate scenes.

Animaker editor

See the red boxes on the bottom? This is where you’ll be customizing each slide of your video. There are many options to get familiar with, so take your time playing around with them, until you get the hang of it. It takes a little while to get a feel for the editor.

Now The Fun Begins

Click on the screen you want to edit. Add your own text, choose a font you love, and select the text size. By the way, you can upload your favorite fonts. Add music by clicking on the music icon. Now drag and drop the song into your timeline.

You can upload and use your own music if you’d prefer. You’ll also have the option to record your voice or add a pre-recorded voice over, adding them on top of your chosen music. Take it a step further by adding sound effects. Adjust the volume for each track to get it just right.

When you’re done, save your video and export it, by going to the wrench icon in the top, right-hand corner. You can export it directly to your YouTube channel or to Facebook, or download an HD-quality video, with a paid membership.

Animaker music editorFree Text-To-Speech

If you’re not familiar with text-to-speech, it’s a type of speech-engine technology that reads digital text out loud. With TTS you can take written text and convert it into audio. Animaker recently added a new text-to-speech feature.

The (TTS) function in Animaker is no longer just for the visually-impaired. It’s a cutting edge tool that’s applicable for eLearning courses, presentations, translation, audio books, and narration. In fact, you’ll pay less for a professional narrator by first using TTS.

add life to your videos

I use TTS in my affiliate marketing business. READ MY REVIEW of my #1 recommended platform or click the banner below to start investing in your financial future today.

Animaker Review - Wealthy Affiliate Banner

Animaker Review Key Points

If you’re an affiliate marketer or small business owner, you know how powerful video can be. Tap into this lucrative market today by creating videos with Animaker. It’s the perfect solution for those who don’t want to show their faces.

Create an online tutorial, an intro for your YouTube channel, a video infographic, or just have some fun making a whiteboard video. There’s really no limit to what you can create with Animaker. Take your creativity and your business to the next level with this fun-to-use software.

Have you delved into the world of video creation? Have you heard of Animaker? Let me know in the comments:)


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8 thoughts on “Animaker Review And Tutorial [Tap Into The Power Of Video Marketing]”

  1. Animaker looks like a very good program to make videos, specially for marketing content.

    I was looking for something like this, but really, all these programs are so expensive!

    I was kind of “shocked” when I saw the price of this, it is so cheap for the quality it offers.

    So I will check it out and probably order it.

    Thanks for sharing this!

    • Animaker is an affordable program. These days video marketing is key so I appreciate programs that make creating videos user-friendly without costing an arm and a leg. Thank you for reading!

  2. Lately I’ve been thinking about creating videos for my website. But the issue is that I don’t know what type of videos to create for marketing. As I don’t have any particular subject I’m focusing on. Affiliate marketing itself is the focus of my website. 

    But I did click on the link you have in your content and I will definitely check out Animaker in a little more detail to see what I can do in regards to starting a YouTube channel. Thank you for the great article.

    • Jag,

      Affiliate marketing is a great niche for starting a YouTube channel. Go for it – there is so much valuable information you could share. Thank you for taking the time to comment, and for sure check out Animaker.

  3. This is a very interesting article, I mean anything to do with video-creating is fun for me, however I’ve not been good at making YouTube videos. Why? Because I lack the drive and the tools!?

    Now since I’ve found this article, I will bookmark it for reference and as a reminder. This Pomodoro technique sounds nice to me but I can’t work in 25 minutes intervals, I prefer 15. Is that possible? 

    • Animaker is a fun way to create videos. I know what you mean about lacking the drive and the tools as I’ve so been there. 

      The Pomodoro technique can be tailored to your individual needs so 15 minutes is just great! Thank you for reading.

  4. Hey!

    This tutorial and introduction to animaker was very well done. 

    I see so many uses for a tool like this. For example, I am a teacher and am always looking for new and exciting ways to present information to my kids, or even to have kids present research to me. This is seemingly something that I could utilize as a teaching activity in the future. 

    I have used other video making programs before but something really sticks out here. I have the ability to create a video, and not actually feature myself in the video. It seems as though I could create a fun interactive using this program. 

    Thanks for sharing and I’ll write back once I have a chance to try it! 


    • Hi Russell,

      Animaker would be fun for your students, and it’s particularly great for those people who don’t want to show their faces. Give the free version a try to see how you like it! Thanks for commenting!


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