ClickMeter: How To Track Affiliate Links

Have you ever wondered how to track your affiliate links? ClickMeter is a great online tracking tool that allows you to monitor, compare, and optimize all your ads in one convenient location, while also boosting your sales and commissions. It’s like your own personal marketing guru!

ClickMeter - The Word "Analytics" Above Colored Pencils

Affiliate links and commissions are the meat and potatoes of internet marketing. Being an affiliate is a great way to make money online, and you’ll want to see how many of your links are being clicked, along with your conversion rate. ClickMeter is a powerful and affordable web-based tool that allows you to see what’s happening behind the scenes of your business through link tracking and link cloaking.

If you’re a video marketer, with your own YouTube channel, you can check how many views each of your videos have generated, determine where your traffic is coming from, and where your videos are being shared. This is valuable information that lets you know which of your videos are the most popular, along with the demographic who’s viewing them. You can then capitalize on this information by promoting your most popular videos.

[Read More: How To Drive Traffic To A YouTube Channel You Just Created]

#affiliate links 

How ClickMeter Works

There are many ways to promote your business and earn money online. It’s important to track each of your marketing methods in order to determine which source is providing the most value in terms of conversions. This is where ClickMeter shines – it provides relevant information, for a variety of different platforms, preventing you from wasting both time and money on promotions that aren’t converting. Use it for:

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Tracking Affiliate Links

ClickMeter works by creating tracking links you can post on your website, social networking accounts, email marketing newsletters, and pay-per-click advertising campaigns. You can even place a tracking link in your profile of your favorite forum, if it’s allowed.  ClickMeter is especially helpful for tracking your advertising campaigns in Bing and Google. See the illustration below to get a feel for how it works:

ClickMeter diagram

Begin by choosing a destination URL. ClickMeter will then provide you with a short tracking link to replace the original URL.  In the example above, the destination URL leads to a landing page. You can see that instead of using the landing page link, ClickMeter’s tracking link is used to track relevant information. Note how the link is used in a tweet.

Whenever someone clicks that link, ClickMeter automatically registers how many times it was clicked. Other pertinent information is provided as well, such as, the validity of the click, which website, city, and country it came from, and whether or not it resulted in a conversion. You’ll be able to see all that information in your real-time marketing report.

Click Meter Ad

This information allows you to analyze and compare the varying marketing sources you’ve been using to promote your business. You can then determine which campaigns most warrant your time and effort, enabling you to get the most out of your investments.

ClickMeter saves you both time and money as you can effectively understand, monitor, and utilize your marketing strategies to your advantage. Essentially, it helps you make sound marketing decisions based on the information it provides.

ClickMeter - ClickMeter Banner

ClickMeter gives you the ability to monitor your campaigns in real-time, and in one place, without having to install any software or coding. It’s easy to create an account, you can cancel at any time, and there’s a 30-day money back guarantee if you decide it’s not for you.

Try ClickMeter’s free membership to test it out and get a feel for how it works. You’ll get 1,000 clicks per month, and 500 more if you refer someone.

How To Create A New Link In ClickMeter


1. Go to to get started.  Click the green “Get Started” button.

2. Choose your plan and press “Sign Up.”

ClickMeter pricing

Typically, in order to track, monitor, and redirect links, you’d have to use more than one tool. With ClickMeter, you’re buying convenience, while also saving time. Essentially, you’re paying for one-stop shopping.

3. In the right-hand corner you’ll see a blue button that says “Create New.” Click it and then in the drop down menu, press “Tracking Link.”

4. The window belo will come up:

ClickMeter create new tracking link

In the destination URL field, fill in the web page you want to be tracked. It could be your website, landing page, or one of your social media accounts.

The other fields are optional: you can name the campaign if you’d like, and fill in the “Friendly name” field with a name that correlates to your campaign. You can also further customize your link in the “Options” section.

Click “Create Link.”

5. You can now use this tracking link, instead of your website URL, to track all your clicks and visits. All user information will be stored in the “Reports” section of your ClickMeter account.

That’s how quick and easy it is to create a tracking link!

Affiliate Marketing

If you’d like to learn more about affiliate marketing, READ MY REVIEW or click the banner below to learn more. My #1 recommended platform teaches internet marketing to people of all skill levels. Why not begin today building that business you’ve always dreamed of? There’s never been a better time to invest in your financial future, and leverage the power of the internet.

ClickMeter - Online Business Banner

Key Points

ClickMeter is a handy tracking and monitoring tool you can incorporate into your marketing strategy to determine which of your campaigns are worth spending time and money on. Learn more about ClickMeter HERE.

Are you an internet marketer? How do you track your clicks and conversions? Let me know in the comments:)


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12 thoughts on “ClickMeter: How To Track Affiliate Links”

  1. Hi and thanks for this quite interesting post about ClickMeter. I am sure this could be quite useful for people with more than 1 site and many ads running. It looks like a cool way to stay organized. Although not essential, I would still take a look at this as a useful tool to help new affiliate marketers. Thanks Kenny

  2. I’m just recently getting into the affiliate marketing industry and it’s tough to manage every aspect of my business. This method definitely allows things to be a little easier! I particularly like that you mentioned ClickMeter because it’s so versatile and offers a great deal for the free plan that beginners can really utilize/scale.

    • You’re right. It is tough, there are so many aspects to affiliate marketing. ClickMeter is versatile, and I love that it offers a free plan so users can try it out before purchasing. Thanks for commenting!

  3. Great article Holly. I’ve often wondered how I can track links and ClickMeter looks like a very handy tool to do so. I currently track links through a few different methods… I use my marketing automation tool to track link clicks in emails and site visitors… I use bitly to track link clicks on shortened links… but I don’t really have one tool to capture them all. 

  4. Why did I not know about this sooner! 

    So ClickMeter can track all clicks no matter where you post them? Thats awesome.

    With regard to an affiliate program, you mentioned if you refer someone you get an extra 500 clicks? Is there any cash commission for promoting this program? I’m interested to see how many clicks I get from social media.

    My google analytics does this already but I would like a break down my platforms: I post on facebook, twitter, instagram and Pinterest. If I understand correctly, ClickMeter would give me a breakdown?

    • Visit ClickMeter’s website as they do have an affiliate program you can join. Yes, it will give you reports on all your social media campaigns.

  5. Click Meter looks like a really useful addition to any affiliate marketers arsenal. It is useful to know where your traffic is coming from so you can work on improving the source.  Love the video tutorial that shows exactly how Click Meter works.

    Do you know if there is a way of trying this product out before paying any money for it?

    • You’re absolutely right. ClickMeter is a great tool to have in your affiliate marketing arsenal. ClickMeter offers a free membership where you can try it out to see how you like it. 

  6. The first thing that came to my mind when I learned about about ClickMeter is how much time this can save me. I have a lot of articles with a lot of affiliate links, and i’m not aware of which ones are working better than others. I schedule my work time in batches meaning one day I will devote to writing my content, and the next day I will devote re-editing my content and making it look nicer, the next day I might want to devote to focusing on which campaign are working best. I wouldn’t be able to do that effectively unless I had something like ClickMeter to make me aware of what are my best campaigns are.  


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