How To Create A Popup Using The HBA’s Funnel Builder

Popups are a great way to showcase offers you’re promoting on your blog. This could include a free download, an invitation to subscribe to your newsletter, or a discount you’re offering. Popups give your readers an opportunity to consume some of your content before they view the popup. Keep reading to learn how to create a popup using the Home Business Academy’s amazing funnel builder tool.

How To Create A Popup in HBA's Funnel Builder - Subscribe Now Graphic

Popups are commonly triggered after a person has been on your site for a specific amount of time. Timing and placement is key, and are factors you can control when designing a popup.  You don’t want popups to appear too soon, which can seem pushy and salesy, not to mention annoying.

Popups that are displayed after a reader has scrolled at least 50% of the page work well. Exit popups are a nice option, as well – they’re triggered when someone is about to leave a page or article, and serve as a last minute reminder to perform an action.

What Are Popups?

A popup is a small banner that “pops” up over an existing page in a web browser. Popups can be aggravating and intrusive to whoever is reading your content so it’s important they be used strategically. On the flip side, well-timed and well-crafted popups can work to both the reader’s and website owner’s advantage.

It’s true that people visiting your website can quickly close a popup, but not before they’re made aware of your offer. This is where a strong call-to-action, along with an enticing incentive comes in. Two primary reasons marketers use popups is to build their lists and for eCommerce, although there are a myriad of other applications, as well.

For instance, if you’re selling products – offering a discount via an exit popup – is a good way to keep someone on your site a little longer. Let’s say a person is on the fence about purchasing a particular item from your store, but the cost was a little steep for them. A popup offering a 10% discount may be the push they need to seal the deal. The popup not only cemented the sale, it was also good for SEO, because the person stayed on your site longer.

How To Create A Popup - Subscription Popup

Or let’s say a person is engrossed in one of your articles and a popup appears. The reminder may be enough to prompt them to sign up for your weekly newsletter, especially if they’re engaged with your content, and would like to consume more of it.

You now have them on your list, and can stay in contact with them regularly.
This is the power of email marketing. 

Not everyone who sees a popup is going to comply with the call-to-action, but some will. The law of averages, or the percentage of people who do engage, will be significant in terms of business growth.

Benefits Of Using A Popup

There are a number of reasons you might want to use a popup on your website or landing page. Think of them as versatile tools you can use to accomplish a purpose. Following are just a few reasons to use popups.

This list is by no means exclusive:

  • Add people to your subscriber list
  • Invite visitors to connect on social media or subscribe to a YouTube channel
  • Make readers aware of a webinar or class you’re promoting
  • Inform site visitors of a discount code you’re offering
  • Announce giveaways
  • An invitation to download an eBook or PDF
  • Alert people of an opportunity to enter a contest
  • Or participation in a survey
  • To feature new content, such as videos or blog articles
How To Create A Popup - Discount Popup

Popup Placement And Ad Copy Tips

Whatever your call-to-action is, make sure it’s easy to follow and succinct. A call-to-action is simply something you ask a visitor to do. It’s the underlying intention of a popup. The copy (text) on your popup should tell people exactly what you want them to do” “Wait, don’t go yet – subscribe to my list to get all my juicy content delivered right to your inbox” or “Click here to claim your discount code” or “Follow me on LinkedIn to get my latest business tips and tricks.”

Can you see how a call-to-action, not only tells them WHAT to do, but WHY they should do it? The reader should always get something in return for completing a call-to-action. They’ll be far more likely to perform an action if there’s something in it for them, which of course there is. BUT, they won’t know what that something is unless you tell them.

Because we’re all so distracted and bombarded with information overload, calls-to-action need to be straightforward and to the point. Essentially, you need to make it easy for the person to comply. This is where incentives, or a fair exchange, comes in. It’s a win/win for everyone involved.

How To Create A Popup Tutorial

Let’s get going on our popup. I’ve navigated to the Home Business Academy’s funnel builder. By the way, this exceptional tool is only $25.00 a month. Most funnel builder’s are at least $100.00 a month. It’s a steal, considering all the tools that are available to build your business.

[Read More: The Home Business Academy Review]

How To Create A Popup - HBA Funnel Builder

Once I’ve logged into my account, I click “Go To The Builder” where I can access new pages and popups. I then Click “ADD NEW STEP,” followed by the “POPUP” icon:

How To Create A Popup In - Adding New Step

You’ll see the option below. I want an “Opt-In” popup so I’ll click that option. Click the “Empty Popup” to design a popup from scratch. The builder makes it easy to do so.

How To Create A Popup - Categories

There’s a ton of popup templates to choose from. I’ve designated the one I’ll be customizing with a red arrow:

How To Create A Popup - Popup Templates

Navigate to the template you want and click on it:

How To Create A Popup - Save 20% Template

Now it’s just a matter of swapping out text, fields, and color to design the template that fits your brand and what you’re trying to accomplish with your popup.

I can tell right off the bat that I’ll be playing around with the colors so there’s more contrast. There’s a little green button that says “POPUP Settings” in the left-hand corner of the popup. Click that to access this box:

How To Create A Popup - Popup Position Window

Be sure and name your popup so you can easily access it. You can change the size and positioning of where you want the popup to be on the page in which it will appear. Play around these options.

You can have a popup fill the entire page, the entire width of a portion of a page, or in a left or right-hand corner. I’m going to have my popup show up right in the middle of the page.

This box will also let you choose the various “show options.” Do you want the popup to show after a certain amount of time on the page, after scrolling, or upon exiting? You can also enable your popup on mobile devices.

Once you check the popup “show option,” you can determine via the slider bar how many seconds you want to wait before it shows up, along with the scrolling distance:

How To Create A Popup - Show Options

After the popup has been shown once, you can choose between these options: “Do not show it anymore,” “Do not show it for the rest of the browsing session,” and “Show it again on the next page visit.” I’m selecting the first option.

The last drop-down box lets you choose the “Popup animation” styles. I’m choosing “Fade In,” but experiment with all the different choices. There are some cool options, such as the “3D Flip Horizontal” or “Fade in & Scale.”

Once you have the size and positioning dialed in, you’ll want to go to the pen icon to choose your content layout, background and overlay colors, button color, and padding size.

How To Create A Popup - Content Layout Options

You can also customize the background settings or change the background image altogether with one of your own images. Access theses settings by clicking the “Change Background” button. Always save your work. You can move the box you’re using to customize by simply dragging it to the side to better view your popup.

How To Create A Popup - Background Settings
How To Create A Popup - Column Settings

Edit the “Column Settings” if you want to add a gradient or overlay. Use the slider to customize the column margins. You can also change the content alignment, along with adding and customizing borders and shadows. Click the little green gear icon to get to this box where you can further design your popup by adding overlays, gradients, shape dividers, a background color and a video. You’ll see a box for a video URL once you tick that option.

There are a variety of different options under each of the sections once you make your selection. See the green lines? You can drag those to increase or decrease the size of the box. Just drag them to where you want them.

How To Create A Popup - Container Settings

You’ll see a little black box with arrows. Click the clock icon to the left of the arrows to access the “Element delay” box. This is where you’ll choose the timing of your popup. Mine will be triggered after 50 seconds:

How To Create Popups - Element Delay Box

Choose what fields you want your popup to display by choosing “Edit Fields.” I only want the email field to be included so I’ll click on the trashcan icon next to the name field. You can also add additional field if you want.

How To Create A Popup - Editing Fields
How To Create A Popup - Editing Text

Click on the text to edit it in regard to font, size, and color. The box below will appear, which will enable you to change the alignment, add a link, underline text, and change the foreground and background colors. You need to highlight the text in order to edit it.

Now click the “Columns” icon to choose how many columns you want in your popup:

How To Create A Popup - Splitting Columns

Here’s my customized popup. I’ve changed the background color, button text, font, and wording. Get creative and have fun designing your custom popup. Now when a person opts in, I’ll have them on my email list, and they’ll receive a $20.00 discount in return for their email address. Do you like?

How To Create A Popup - Final Ad

Click the buttons below to learn more about The Home Business Academy and their brilliant funnel builder:

Key Points

Popups can be an eye-catching way to get people to sign up for your newsletter, take advantage of an offer you’re promoting, or an invitation to follow you on social media. However, that’s just a small sampling of what website popups can be used for.

Make sure your call-to-action is clear and intentional, your copy concise, and the popup itself visually-appealing. Get creative when designing popups – they can be used strategically to build your brand, scale your business, and get more followers.

The Home Business Academy’s funnel builder is an exceptional tool for designing high-converting funnels. Don’t wait another day to start creating amazing funnels to scale your business.

Do you use popups on your site? Let me know in the comments:)

Newsletter Signup Form


How To Create A Popup - Dream Higher Banner

6 thoughts on “How To Create A Popup Using The HBA’s Funnel Builder”

  1. Thank you for sharing this information. I learned a lot. Popups can be valuable marketing tools, but you have to be good with your call-to-action – from experience when I go to people’s websites, I am quick to remove the popup, although it does catch my attention. I wish I could create the one you showed. I will have to do it later.  


    • Thanks for reading my tutorial. Yes, popups can be both valuable and annoying. They need to be used strategically, for sure. And they have to tell people exactly what you want them to do. I agree, the calls-to-action need to be good. 

      Try your hand at popups if you haven’t created one before. They’re fun to design, easy to embed on a page, and they can help you scale your business. Thanks so much for your comment:)

  2. I made my first popup today, and in addition to that fact, it was quick, simple, and worked extraordinarily well…

    IT WAS FUN!! I’ve never encountered that! Normally, it’s hard to figure out, yet this truly was easy to execute. Thank you so much for creating a tutorial that was easy to follow. I’ll definitely be making more popups. 

    • Awesome. I’m so glad you took the initiative and created a popup. The Home Business Academy’s funnel builder lets you create a variety of different pages and popups. And you’re right – it’s fun, which is important because it will make you want to create even more pages for your sales funnel. 

      I’m glad you found my tutorial helpful. Thanks so much for reading, following along, and commenting:)

  3. Thank you for sharing your insights about creating pop-up. I think I will try using one on my website, considering it’s one of the ways of inviting visitors to connect on social media and other platforms. By the looks of it, not only does it connect you with your visitors, but also has the potential to create a long-term connection with people that will sign up for your list. 

    • Hello,

      Thanks for reading my tutorial on creating popups. They can help you grow your business if used strategically. Popups can help you grow your presence on social media and YouTube, and create long-term associations with people who subscribe to your list because you can communicate with them weekly via your autoresponder. Thanks for taking the time to leave a comment:)


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