How To Build An Email List FAST [7 Simple Tips]

Email marketing is a powerful component of any marketing sales funnel. This valuable form of marketing enables you to connect with your target audience on a regular basis, providing relevant content to them, with the ultimate intention of driving more conversions and sales. Learn how to build an email list fast by utilizing the 7 tactics below.

How To Build An Email List FAST - Envelopes Coming Out Of Cell Phone

The Benefits Of Email Marketing

An email list is an electronic mailing list that enables the distribution of information to people who have joined the list. Internet marketers grow their lists by offering free gifts, also called lead magnets, in exchange for a person’s name and email address.

This is why it’s called “email” marketing. Examples of lead magnets include a free PDF or eBook, a promotional or discount code, an audio or video tutorial, or an online mini course. Benefits of email marketing include:

  • The ability to reach a vast audience
  • Build relationships and foster connection with those in your niche
  • Stay in consistent contact with your readers
  • Increase conversions and sales
  • It’s simple to get started
  • Is cost-effective

How To Build An Email List Fast - AWeber Banner

Email Service Providers

The hardest part, although not too complicated, of this form of marketing is choosing an email marketing provider and setting up your campaigns. Once that’s done and all automated, you’re good to go, and can start building your list without too much effort on your part.

Email marketing is a powerful and strategic way to stay in contact with your readers and to ultimately increase conversions. I use AWeber but there are many providers to choose from. Below is a list of email service providers:

  • AWeber
  • Mailchimp
  • GetResponse
  • Constant Contact
  • ConvertKit
  • SendInBlue
  • Drip
  • MailerLite

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How To Build an Email List Fast Using Your Blog

1. Create Relevant Content That Solves A Problem

Creating consistent content, that is fresh and informative, is the number one way to build an email list. It’s also a highly effective way to build trust with your audience. Over time, those who read your content will come to know, like, and trust you, and view you as an expert in your field.

This will make them much more likely to want to receive your weekly content in their inbox because they perceive it as valuable. They will then readily provide their information in exchange for your free resource.
How To Build An Email List Fast - Free Gift Button
How To Build An Email List Fast - Email Subscription Box

2. Place A Subscriber Box At The Bottom Of Each Post Or Article

The more opportunities you give your readers to opt in to your list, the higher the likelihood they’ll be willing to enter their information into your subscription box.

Besides placing an opt in form on your website where it can easily be seen, you’ll also want to include a subscription box at the bottom of each article you write.

3. Use Strategic Calls-To-Action

A call-to-action (CTA) is a simple request where you ask people who are reading your content to do something. People are much more likely to complete a task, such as signing up for your list, if you bring it to their attention and invite them to do it.

Examples of calls-to-action include: “click here for your free gift,” “sign up here for my online course,” “get your free eBook here,” or “subscribe to my list to receive your discount code.” It’s a good idea to place one or two CTAs within each post or article that you publish on your website. The most strategic locations to include a CTA are in the middle or at the bottom of your content.

[Read More: How To Skyrocket Your Email Marketing Campaigns]

How To Build An Email List Fast - AWeber Banner

How To Build An Email List Using Social Media

4. Promote A Free Ebook Or Online Course

Everybody likes free. Create an eBook relevant to your niche that includes helpful tips and tricks that are easy to implement. Ebooks are great gifts because readers can conveniently download them to their smartphones or computers.

Direct people to a landing page where they can enter their name and email in return for your complimentary eBook. Online courses are also popular and are a great way to keep people engaged with your content.

5. Use An End Screen On YouTube

If you have your own YouTube channel, you can utilize an end screen to encourage viewers to subscribe to your channel. An end screen is a clickable tool that can be added to the last 5 to 20 seconds of a video, and is an effective way to include a call-to-action on each of your videos without being pushy or intrusive.

You can also include a link below your video that either takes viewers to your website or to a landing page where they can choose to enter their information in exchange for your free gift.

How To Build An Email List Fast - End Screen in YouTube6. Leverage Your Facebook Business Page

You can harness the power of Facebook by placing a call-to-action on your business page where it can easily be seen. For instance, you could include a CTA that says: “Click here for my free online course.”

The link would then take them to a landing page where they would enter their information to gain access to your course. You could also promote any of your free resources on Twitter in exchange for your followers’ names and email addresses.

7. Host A Webinar

There are multiple benefits to hosting a webinar. Webinars are interactive and a great avenue in which to engage with your target audience. They’re also highly beneficial for reaching large groups of people.

You can use these benefits to your advantage by leveraging webinars to grow your list. Since all attendees are required to enter their email address in order to register for the webinar, it’s an unobtrusive way to collect emails.

Building An Online Business

Is email marketing a foreign concept to you because you don’t yet have an online business? Is it because you don’t have a clue how to get started? Well, you’re in the right place at the right time because I’ve got the perfect opportunity for you.

My #1 resource will provide you with the skills and blueprint you’ll need to create a thriving business on the internet. There’s never been a better time to learn marketable skills and to invest in your financial future. Read my review or click on the banner below to learn more. OR create your free account here.

How To Build An Email List Fast - Online Business Banner

Key Points

Email marketing is a win-win situation for both you as a business owner, as well as those who follow you. Your readers get to enjoy your expertise, advice, and recommendations via your newsletter that automatically lands in their inbox every week, and you get the opportunity to build your business and increase sales by growing your customer base.

Have you taken the dive into email marketing? Let me know in the comments:)

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24 thoughts on “How To Build An Email List FAST [7 Simple Tips]”

  1. I don’t have an email marketing provider yet because I haven’t set up an email list. I know I should and I am glad I came across your post to learn more about how to set it all up. Great tips on how you can grow your email list and how important “call to actions” are! Thank you!

    • Hello,

      Thanks for your comment. Some of the email service providers I listed either have a free 30-day trial or are free up to a certain number of subscribers. You could use one of them to get a feel for how email marketing works. The best way to learn is to dive in head first. Yes, CTAs are an important component in growing a list. Thanks for taking the time to read my post. 

  2. Hi Holly, I really enjoyed your article on how to build an email list. This is a learning curve I have both failed to understand, and have procrastinated on for a long time. It is likely one of the biggest drawbacks to my “being my own boss.”

    You have offered both motivation and easy to understand steps that I gratefully appreciate:)

    Thank you!


    • Hi Ropata,

      Thank you. I’m glad you enjoyed my post on email marketing. It certainly is a learning curve, and one that can be quite perplexing to many internet marketers. It was for me as well. My advice is to join one of the email providers that I mentioned and join their free trial. The best approach is to just jump in and learn while you go. Thanks so much for taking the time to leave a comment:)

  3. This is a very comprehensive look into how to build an email list. I like the step-by-step set up as it’s an easy to read and follow format. One thing I would love to see would be ideas for your email list. Like, when you have subscribers, what are some ideas of things you can send them? 😀

    • Hi CJ,

      Thank you. I’m glad you found my article easy to understand. Once someone signs up for your list, they will receive your weekly posts in their inbox. You can set this up automatically by using an email provider service. I listed several options in my post. This enables you to stay in regular contact with your readers. It’s a great way to build trust with those within your niche. I appreciate your comment:)

  4. I am already thinking of having my own email list too because when we think about it, they are very helpful to us when it comes to building that very good digital business we want. I learnt that when one builds an email list, it is very advisable that we give a freebie to get the visitors to subscribe. This is a very good post full of relevant information. Nice one here.

    • Hi Henderson,

      Yes, email marketing will help you grow an online business. A free resource, whether it be a PDF, video tutorial, or promotional code, is used in exchange for someone’s name and email address. It’s a good business model. Thanks for reading my post:)

  5. I have been thinking about email marketing for the last two weeks but I still have no idea where nor how to begin. I think I still need to expand my business a little more before jumping right into email marketing. I bookmarked this post so I can get back to it whenever I decide to start this journey. Besides AWeber, what other platform would you personally recommend?

    • Hi Stephanie,

      That’s a good idea to wait until your website starts to generate a consistent flow of traffic before jumping into email marketing. SendInBlue and ConstantContact are both good email service providers as are the other ones I mentioned. Check each of them out to determine which one best fits your needs. Best of luck to you, and thanks for your comment:)

  6. Hi there and thanks for your extremely timely article.

    I want to build an email list but am not sure what exactly I can provide as the incentive. My website is educational and although I do create video tutorials, these are accessible via YouTube for free anyway. I wonder if you have any links for information about how to create online courses that are not free via YouTube, so in order to access the material, the person must sign up to a subscription. 

    The other tip that you mentioned was the use of an end screen on YouTube. Do you have any articles that will help me do this? 

    Thanks so much and I look forward to hearing from you soon 


    • Hi Marketa,

      Thanks for reading my post on email marketing. Have you heard of Thinkific? It’s a great platform that enables you to create, market, and sell online courses, which are a great incentive for growing your email list. Learn more here

      Also, here’s a video on how to create end screens on YouTube. Hope that helps. Let me know if you have any other questions. 

  7. This website promotes a lot of useful information in terms of email marketing and working from home. I think this is a great idea and can really help upcoming audiences that want to create a business online in the comfort of their home! This is a great site that will really help the audience in this particular niche! Great site ideas! 

  8. Hello Holly, email marketing is an effective means to boost an online business. I find it really cool. Building an email list is a very good idea especially for those who are new to the online space, and need to create awareness. I have read a lot about email marketing, but how do you avoid being placed under spam mails?

    • Hi Benson,

      You’re spot on, email marketing is a great method to grow your business. I’ve never heard of spam being a problem with email marketing. Only people who have given you their information will receive your emails. Thanks for leaving a comment:)

  9. Great read, i have definitely dived into email marketing on numerous occasions, had issues with Mailchimp and now use a great service. I don’t concentrate on it as much as I should, its definitely my second business nemesis. These options are spot and I’m trying all of them. I think my favourites are Instagram call to actions and YouTube content marketing – the end screen note is a great idea; I’ll have to add that one.

    • Hi Marie,

      Thank you. Email marketing can be confusing when initially learning the ins and outs of how it works. It took me awhile to figure out the mechanics of it. Mailchimp can be rather clunky in my opinion. I’m not surprised that you’re using another provider.

       That’s a great idea to use CTAs on Instagram, and creating videos on Youtube is a fantastic way to drive traffic back to your site. Thanks so much for reading and taking the time to leave a comment:)

  10. hello holly;
    I am very happy to come across your publication, I was looking for exactly this information recently and I was not able to find it. Each time you had to dig through hundreds of cards to find the email of a partner or a friend, now with all these explanations I know how to go about it now, in simplicity and conviviality. I will subscribe to not miss your next tips.
    thanks again.

  11. An email list is one of the most important things to have when a person is looking to start an online business. One’s email list might not be very bloomy at the first few stages though but as time goes on, the lead generation keeps getting better. As an affiliate marketer, I agree that making money online takes time and consistency and that is why an email list is needed, to foster consistency. Nice one.

    • Thanks for your comment John. Yes, an email list is a crucial component of a sales funnel, and though it takes time to build, over time it’s worth the effort. Making money online is not an overnight endeavor, but rather takes a lot of patience, consistency, dedication, and time. Email marketing is a great tactic to increase conversions, and ultimately sales.


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