What Is A Pinterest Widget & How To Embed One on Your Website

Did you know that Pinterest has two buttons and two widgets that you can place on your website? Today I want to talk, specifically about how to add a “Board” widget to your site. You’ll need a Pinterest business account to be able to add widgets so run go get one now if you haven’t already. Let’s learn how to embed a Pinterest widget on your website.

What Is A Pinterest Widget - The Word "Pinterest" on a Yellow Heart

A “Board” widget is fun to place on your website and makes it easy for your visitors to follow you on Pinterest. It’s super simple to do and looks great on your sidebar or wherever else you’d like to place it.

What Is A Pinterest Board?

Pinterest makes it simple to organize your pins and ideas by placing them in individual boards. For instance, on my affiliate marketing profile, I have boards named “Blogging,” Affiliate Marketing,” “Content Creation,” “Money,” and “SEO.” This keeps me organized when adding pins as I know which board they should be pinned to. See below.

What Is A Pinterest Widget - Pinterest Boards

To add a board, simply click on the “Add +” at the top right. When you see the popup, click “Create a Board.” By going to the pencil icon above your board name, you’ll see fields where you can enter the board name, description, category and cover. Supply the information and, voila, your board is created. Create as many boards as you want, and fill them with your awesome pins.

What Is A Pinterest Widget - Icons

What Is A Pinterest Widget - Editing Pinterest Board

Pinterest Toolbar

As I mentioned previously, Pinterest has two buttons and two widgets that are available to use on your site. I highly advise you grab both buttons: the “Pin it” button and the “Follow” button. This will allow your site visitors to easily share your content, and follow you on Pinterest.

The two widgets are the “Profile” widget and the “Board” widget. With the “Profile” widget, you can display up to 30 of your latest pins wherever you want on your website. The pins are taken from your profile. This is great for businesses who are trying to get more followers on Pinterest.

The “Board” widget is a little different. Instead of taking pins from your profile, you can display up to 30 of your latest pins from a specific board. This is useful if you have one particular board that you think might be the most appealing to your audience. Basically, it gives you more targeted options. That’s why I prefer the “Board” widget over the “Profile” widget. Play around with both to see what you like best.

Widgets For Your Website

A widget is small block that’s placed on your website to perform a specific function. I like to put my widgets on my sidebar or footer. You can also place them in your header. Widgets provide structure and organization to your site, and enable added functionality to your theme. They’re easy to use, and, if done correctly, look great! I’m thrilled that Pinterest has made these two widgets available.

How To Embed A Pinterest Widget On Your Website

Here is a step-by-step tutorial on how to add a Pinterest widget to your site:

1. Begin by going to your profile page

What Is A Pinterest Widget - Affiliate Marketing Profile

2. Next, select “Boards”

What Is A Pinterest Widget - Boards

3. Now choose a Board that you’d like displayed on your site. I’ve chosen my “Blogging Board.”

What Is A Pinterest Widget - Blogging Board

4. Click the icon that has the three little buttons in the middle. Press “create widget.”

What Is A Pinterest Widget - Creating A Widget

5. You’ll see a preview of what your widget will look like. See the two boxes with codes? Copy the first one.

What Is A Pinterest Widget - Work From Home Board

6. Now go to your website. Go to “dashboard,” “appearance,” and “widgets.”

What Is A Pinterest Widget - WordPress Dashboard

7. You should now be in your widgets area of your site. Grab the “Custom HTML” tag, and drag it to where you want the widget on your sidebar. I added mine under by “Search” bar, and before my “Recent Posts” tab. Post both of the codes from step 5 into the “Content” box. Press “Done.”

What Is A Pinterest Widget - WordPress Sidebar

8. Now visit a post on your site, and you’ll see your board widget right there on your sidebar. See it? Looks great, right?!

That’s it folks. Pat yourself on the back – you’ve just placed a Pinterest board widget on your site for all to see! There are different ways of doing this. You can watch the video below to learn more.

I use Pinterest to promote my affiliate marketing business. READ MY REVIEW or click the banner below to find out how I learned the skills to build an online business. There’s never been a better time to invest in your financial future.

What Is A Pinterest Widget? Online Business Banner

Key Points

Pinterest widgets are fun, look great on a sidebar, and make it easy for your site visitors to follow you on Pinterest. A widget will also boost your SEO since Pinterest is a search engine in itself. This is great news for online entrepreneurs. Get your widget today by following this tutorial.

What do you think about Pinterest widgets? Are you going to put them on your site? Let me know in the comments:)


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2 thoughts on “What Is A Pinterest Widget & How To Embed One on Your Website”

  1. Super helpful post! Had no idea bout this till now. I’m new to Pinterest so I can use all the help I can get. Need to head over to my blog and add the widget asap! Thanks and keep ’em coming!


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