5 Reasons To Work Online From Home

Is an entrepreneurial spirit pulsing in your veins? Many entrepreneurs love working from home, but it does take a certain personality type to run a home-based business. Discipline, consistency, and organizational skills are all requirements, as is dedication and the motivation to keep going when your business isn’t progressing as you think it should.  If you excel at time management, and have an opportunity to work from home, it may be an incredible option for you. Here are 5 reasons to work online from home.

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Work Online From Home

1. Set Your Own Hours

To me, this is by far the biggest benefit of working from home. Since circumstances are constantly changing, having the flexibility in your day to accomplish tasks as needed is a huge relief. Not every task has to wait for the weekend, which, unfortunately, can be the case if you work a 9-5 job, as you are most likely, exhausted by the time you get home.

Having the luxury to exercise in the morning, for instance, is so awesome since exercising at night when energy levels are waning, will most likely, not pan out. And, then, there’s the question: “Do I want to be perfectly presentable by 8 or 9 every morning? – uh no, absolutely not!

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Having a flexible schedule keeps my stress levels manageable. I can see clients in the evenings or, even on weekends, if that’s what both our schedules dictate on that particular week, and my home office has more appeal than an office setting does. I can plan my week according to what’s going on in my life at any particular time.

And, then, there’s the travel issue. There’s no need to stress if you’re planning a vacation as many home-based businesses can be virtual. All that is needed is a computer or phone, and an internet connection.

2. Save Money By Not Commuting

How often are you filling your gas tank? I bet a lot of it is due to commuting to and from work. I like driving and can keep myself occupied in the car by listening to podcasts, but I don’t want to spend an hour or two doing it everyday.

If you live in Utah, like I do, there’s the added time expense of dealing with inclement weather. And, then there’s the wear and tear on your vehicle and the ensuing maintenance.

Additionally, there are tax benefits available for home-based businesses. It’s nice to be able to write off expenses such as computers, printers, internet fees or any other supplies pertaining to your home office, and you’ll pay taxes on your net income rather than your total earnings because you are allowed to deduct your expenses initially.

3. Free Up Your Time

Eliminating a daily commute can free up additional time in your day! What would one or two extra hours a day mean to you? Two hours, to me, would mean the difference in, perhaps, not having an organized home environment, exercising, reading, preparing healthy meals or being able to take care of an obligation that came up unexpectedly. All these tasks take time and energy, and when time and energy are lacking, well, you get the point.

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This begs the question: “Could having a home-based business improve your health?” The answer is a resounding “yes,” if you organize your day to include exercise and healthy meals.

4. Accomplish Tasks Throughout The Day

This benefit ties in with the time factor I referenced above. Working from home allows me to multitask, and remain caught up on household responsibilities. Type-A personalities, like me, thrive on having their to-do-lists caught up. Taking care of pets, doing laundry or dishes, or any other obligation that that needs addressing, between client appointments, is very helpful!.

And for those home workers with small children, even if you have child care within your home during your work hours, the small chunks of time you can devote to your kids during the day is invaluable, and can eliminate the guilt so many full-time workers have.

By the end of my work day, I have usually accomplished most of what needed to be done for that particular day, and can use my discretionary hours as I please instead of having to complete tasks that are not optional. Let’s all say “FREEDOM” together!

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5. The Motivation Factor

Typically, people who work from home enjoy what they are doing. Many that choose this option are looking to turn a hobby they love into a business that generates income. While not always, those that fall into this category possess a fair degree of motivation.

Not having to be accountable to anyone, like hello a boss, can be indispensable for some personality types. Of course, you’ll have to be accountable to yourself, and this is where time-management and organizational skills come into play. You’ll need to be disciplined enough to accomplish daily work-related tasks.

For many people that work from home, productivity levels actually increase. This could, partly be due to the fact that they enjoy what they’re doing. If you’d like to learn how to build an online business so you can work from home, read my review or click the banner below to get started. There’s no better time to invest in your future.

[Read More: Is Wealthy Affiliate The Real Deal?]

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Key Points

Working from home isn’t for everyone. If you have the type of personality who thrives in a social environment, and craves a lot of interaction, pursuing a career from home may not suit your needs, and could even drive you nuts! But if any of the benefits above resonant with you, and the opportunity arises to work from home, than this option may be a good one.

We all intuitively know that our time here is limited, but do we really think about this practically in our daily lives? The answer is probably no. I will end this post with one of my favorite quotes from Steve Jobs: “Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life.”

What do you want to accomplish in your lifetime? Are you on a path that genuinely resonates with what you envision for your life? I would love to hear from you! Do you work from home or would you like to? Let me know in the comments:)

Please sign up for my weekly posts:)

This post contains affiliate links, which means I may receive a small commission, with no cost to you, if you make a purchase through one of my links.  

6 thoughts on “5 Reasons To Work Online From Home”

  1. Hi Holly, I work from home and I totally agree with the advantages you mentioned. But there are so many others that it’s hard to mention them all. You can wake up any time you want, take a day off without any problem, go on a holiday whenever you want, all your friends will envy you and the list could go on forever. 

    Not to mention that you can end up earning a lot more than someone working 12 hours in a high position in a company. That’s the beauty of working at home, actually – progressing is all up to you and the work you put into your business. 

    • Hi Ashley,

      Thanks for you comment. I couldn’t agree more, there are so many advantages to working from home, and way more than I covered in this article. Not being on a deadline is one of my favorites, also not waking up at the same time every morning. Ugh!

      Of course, there’s a flip side in that you have to be self-propelled to work from home. Barring that, it’s nothing short of amazing!

  2. This is exactly why I am doing my thing in affiliate marketing… the ability to set my own schedule, working from home is right up there as a top reason and not having a boss hovering overhead is a real big plus!  The advantages in my opinion, far outweigh the con’s in every aspect.  

    As you so well pointed out, the control you have over your life is a big selling point. I think Wealthy Affiliate is the way to go with all the tools, the great community ready to help anytime and the incredible training all point to success in my book.

    Great article and thank for confirming my reasons for do this also!!

    • Hi Tim,

      The reasons I mentioned in my post are why I love affiliate marketing and working from home. There’s nothing better than having freedom over my own schedule, and not having to be beholden to a boss. I also like being able to go on vacation at a moment’s notice. 

      Wealthy Affiliate is simply the best in regard to the training, the tools offered, and of course the amazing community that has supported me every step of the way. Let’s hear it for working from home. 

      Thanks for reading!

  3. I really enjoyed your article.  I concur with you that working from home is awesome. I love setting my own hours, not having to commute, being the master of my time, and the ability to multitask. It’s easier to stay motivated when you’re working for yourself. I learn something new from your article. Thank you very much for sharing your knowledge. 

    • Thanks for your comment. Setting my own hours is for sure one of the best parts of working from home. I think most of us would agree that motivation stays high when we’re working on our own projects. 


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