How To Create A Linktree For Instagram [Tutorial]

Watch my tutorial to learn how to create a linktree for Instagram. IG only allows one link to be placed on a profile so the workaround is to have a generalized link that leads to a tree housing all of your links.

The Home Business Academy’s funnel builder is a powerful and amazing tool that enables you to create awesome-looking funnels, including capture pages, thank you pages, sales pages, popups, surveys, scheduling calendars, landing pages, membership sites, linktrees, and more.

For only $25.00 a month, it’s a no-brainer, considering how much it will benefit your business. Not to mention, the training and support within the community is exceptional.

Let’s get started learning how to make a linktree…

Sales funnel are vital to the success of online businesses. HBA’s funnel builder is an incredible, intuitive tool that lets you create and customize your own funnel pages to capture leads and generate sales.

The funnel’s interface is easy to use and the learning curve is quite small. In fact, you’ll feel confident in your funnel-creation prowess after creating a few pages. The Academy’s training provides information on the importance of the various pages used in the funnel, features to include on each one and why, how to connect the pages, along with how to connect the entire funnel to your autoresponder list.

Once you learn these skills, you’ll be able to design and market funnels using any product or service that you want. The training stresses the importance of learning time-tested principles that have been proven to work. HBA is not a Biz-Op where you blindly do what you’re told without understanding the process.

Once you know what you’d like to promote, you can literally create sales funnels in an afternoon. Then if you want to design additional funnels, simply follow the principles and strategies to repeat the process. The tool also enables you to book appointments, organize contacts, and set up a store complete with payment methods, shipping options, and tax information. I guarantee you WILL absolutely love it.

All this for just $25.00 a month – it’s the deal of the century?

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